IBM Lotus Notes Domino
Lotus Notes has matured into a sophisticated, web-enabled messaging and collaboration tools. Versko has experience in the design and delivery of Lotus Notes systems and applications from 1993 and Release 2 right up to todays Release 8.5. Our services broadly divide into Systems Design and administration, Application design, development and integration and Migration.
System design and administration has simplified over the years as Notes/Domino has standardised on one address structure and a hierarchical structure. Notes/Domino has also embraced many operating systems and integration options that make the design and maintenance of the underlying core application more diverse and sophisticated. Versko provide system administration services for Notes/Domino environments, both at the design stage and in production.
Application design and development in Notes/Domino has always been challenging as a variety of APL’s co-exist. Choosing LotusScript over Java or making them work together is part of the Notes experience and at Versko we have been writing Notes applications for 15 years. Versko can develop your Notes application, or modify or upgrade your existing applications across all the technical interfaces and integration tools.
Notes Domino offers the ability to upgrade and migrate 2 or versions of the product. Versko can plan and execute Notes upgrades from any release up to R8.5. This includes both infrastructure and applications.