Extended Warranty
All customers of Versko are offered 90 days warranty on all bespoke services. Versko also provide Extended Warranty to all these customers providing them with a service that will respond and fix any bug that arises after the standard warranty period has expired. Extended Warranty guarantees that Versko will fix a bug, guarantees response and resource from Versko and provides the customer with an agreement as part of their own risk assessment process helping customers to identify, mitigate and manage their risk profile. This is particularly important in business critical areas, typically customer facing type applications.
Extended Warranty terms are typically 1, 2 or 3 years. Versko manage Extended Warranty through our on-line help desk where all bugs are reported and investigated. Our Helpdesk categorises the bug and manages the resolution according to the agreed response. If need be Versko work 24×7 to resolve critical bugs.
Versko are able to offer Extended Warranty not just on our own developed software, but on 3rd party software too. After an initial investigation, Versko can provide the same peace of mind to software not developed by Versko, which is useful if your supplier relationship has broken down, they have gone bust or your internal resource is too busy. We would be more than happy to quote for Extended Warranty on any Java or Lotus Notes/Domino system.